Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, October 25, 2014

4 months (+)!

E turned 4 months a bit over a week ago and we had his 4 mo doctor check up this week.  Here are the official stats:
weight: 14# (18%)
height: 26" (85-95%)
head circ: 42cm (59%)

A little bit bigger than O was at this age, but with a similar weight to length ratio (long and skinny!)

And now that he is 4months+ we also started in on a little bit of solid food (so far rice cereal and apple sauce)...and he. loves. it.  I think he only dribbled food out on the first go around, all subsequent feedings he has chowed with very little bib wastage!

eyeing up the new food

he likes it!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

pumpkins and foxes and giraffes...oh my!

Dave's brother, Rob, and nephew, Patrick, came to visit this weekend.  The weather was excellent and we had a great, if short, visit with them!  Saturday morning we headed up to the local hippy food coop where they were having a little pumpkin fest in the parking, complete with face painting.
these 2 seconds for the pic were about the only 2 seconds Owen sat still for the face painting...he kept trying to look at what she was painting...doh!

Elliot of course lounged around through the whole event

enjoying some apple cider

And no visit is complete without some family photos! (Most of which are out of focus because small people don't stop moving long enough for photos!)

pre nap story with Uncle Rob

sometimes it's hard to get the big kids to stay still too!

with big cousin Patrick

skulk of foxes

After Rob and Patrick left, we headed to Como Zoo for the ZooBoo!  A family friendly trick or treat with the animals!
baby giraffe

Julia was volunteering at ZooBoo...with her fabulous preggo costume!

trick or treating is serious business

Thursday, October 9, 2014

first joke

Owen told his first joke yesterday.  At least the first jokingly thing he intentionally said, he's certainly said plenty of other funny things!
A little background (although this in no way guarantees you will find this as funny as Dave and I did): Dave has had a very sore back since he returned from Kenya a month ago and as such can't easily pick Owen up to carry him.  Owen for his part insists on being carried everywhere these days, I think it is his reaction to Elliot and I"m sure it will pass.  I waffle between being frustrated at this and enjoying it as I know one day he will never want me to carry him again.  That being said, I wouldn't mind if he stopped insisting on being carried up and down the stairs...which is where the joke comes in.

I was upstairs giving Elliot a bath and it was time for O to head up for his bath.
O: Daddy, carry me upstairs?
D: no, you can walk.  I'll hold your hand
O: no, carry me!
D: I can't carry you
O: because you have a sore back?
D: yes.
O: carry me?
D: how about you carry me up the stairs?
O (laughing at this): no, you are too big.  I am too little.
D:  you carry me? (mocking Owen)
O: I can't, I have a sore back (then breaks into a fit of laughter at his own joke)

which we also thought was quite funny, and clever.

And a pic of E from this morning:

Owen at the same age.

We're raising clones.

Monday, October 6, 2014

apple picking

We headed out to do some apple picking yesterday.  It was a bit chilly, but we bundled up and went anyway before it got too late in the fall.  O had a great time riding on the tractor out to the apples and was an enthusiastic picker for the first bag...after that he got really into just eating an apple and didn't want to pick anymore.  Which is fine, I picked while Dave, O and E sat and watched the tractors.  Then on to the petting zoo and the playground!  E spent his apple picking time chilling in the moby just soaking it all in!
When we got home O insisted on making apple pie.  Can't really beat a homemade apple pie with fresh picked apples! yum!!

getting suited up in the back of the car

hay ride!

little sock monkey has come out of retirement
the novelty had not worn off yet

tasting the wares

precariously propped on a pumpkin