Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

the water is stiff

Two weekends ago we strolled over to the community rink to try out Owen's new helmet and skates!  And just in time too, before the deep freeze descended on us again - school's have been closed twice in the last week due to the temperatures!  Owen loved skating, and insisted on heading to see the "hockey" (there were 3 guys passing around a puck) on the rink with the boards.
skates on, helmet snapped...

let's go!

I got it Mom!

cruising with Dad

pretty good for the first time out!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Birthday Fun with Grandparents

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit for Owen's 2nd birthday, and we had so much fun!!  Lots of lego car building with Grandpa, all sorts of fun games and books with Grandma...plus a birthday party!  Owen loved having his grandparents here...non stop playing and all the attention a 2 year old could dream of...what a lucky guy!!
the wooden food from his cousins was a big hit!

ready for hockey!

no party is complete without hats and horns!

some very focused playing with MJ and Tiffany

good technique, Grandpa!

delicious bundt cake, courtesy of Grandma!

horns and hats for everyone!
have horn, will play...can't stop for a photo

captivated by Grandma's superior story telling abilities

playing with his "guys" with Grandpa

colouring intently with Grandma

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Eve

With your birthday just a sleep away I thought I would highlight a bit of the little boy – because you are definitely not a baby anymore - you have become over the past year.
You continue to love food of all sorts, especially all things dairy and eggs.  You have become very adept at using a spoon to feed yourself, with minimal spillage.  It’s really quite good I think for your age.  I think some of this hand skill comes from your reluctance – wait, let’s call it what it is – complete refusal to give up your pacis.  You insist on sleeping with 3 of them and during pre bedtime stories you deftly swap them in and out of your mouth often holding 2 in the same hand at once and still maneuvering them around – all the while rubbing your eyes with the ones in your hand.
You are an amazing sleeper.   It took until about 13 or 14 months, but then you just got the hang of it and now you go to bed at 7pm and sleep straight through until 7 or 7:30 am without a peep.  It’s awesome!  And I think you are a very happy kid because of it!  You are always smiling and laughing, and generally pretty well behaved and pleasant.  You are starting to have your moments of terrible two-ness – which mostly extend from not being able to get your wants across to us…or by getting them across and not accepting “no” as an answer.  I expect this will increase over the coming months, but overall, your happy little self far outweighs your occasional tantrum.
You started to walk this past year – at around 18 months.  So while you were a bit of a late bloomer on that front, you went from not walking to being very stable in a short period of time!  You now RUN everywhere.  There is no walking pace for you.  You also walk backwards – and usually make a beeping noise like a truck backing up when you do it.  I’m not sure where you learned that, but it’s funny!  And you can jump now – and actually get a small amount of lift off!
Your language skills are starting to explode!  It’s so fun to have you chatting away with us, albeit a lot is still unintelligible yammering (at least to us), but more and more it’s real words in real (and really short) sentences.  I would estimate you have well over 100 words these days and every day you both add more and put them together in different ways.  Just this morning you were chasing Flax around and she hid under the bed where you couldn’t see her and you lay down to look under the bed then looked up at me and said “Kitty!  Where are you?”  I didn’t even know you knew “where are you?”!  You amaze me every day with little things like this, and I love watching you grow and learn!
You are also way into all things that go.  Cars, trucks, trains, buses – especially schoolbuses - garbage trucks, dump trucks (which you refer to as “dump dumps”), etc.  All vehicles which have sirens and lights (so emergency vehicles, but also things like snowplows) are called “people”.  I think this is because you used to get very scared anytime you heard a siren and would run to Dad or me almost crying, and we told you it was okay, the sirens were because they were going to help people.  Somehow this translated into them just being called people to you – I fear you will be confused about what people actually are for a while. 
You in general love all books and are very content to sit and flip through them by yourself pointing things out on the pictures, and of course you love being read to as well.Your favourite book these days (and has been for a while now) is Richard Scarry’s “Cars and Trucks and things that go” which you simply refer to as “Goldbug”…and ask for it constantly! 
You are also a fairly contented solo player and will sit playing with your “guys” as you call them (the fisher price little people – which you don’t call people for the reason stated above) putting them in and out of various vehicles – trains, cars, fire trucks – and making up some sort of story for them along the way.  I can tell your imagination play is really getting going because sometimes when you are playing you will randomly say something we understand that to our minds doesn’t seem at all to fit in with the situation we are observing, but clearly makes sense in the imaginary world you created.
You also clearly think about other people you know when they are not around.  The other night you had me draw, one by one, all your different friends from daycare on the magnadoodle.  And sometimes I can tell that you are incorporating your friend Greta and her dog Vito into your imaginary play because their names will pop up in your conversation.
Since the summer you have taken a definite liking to Edgrrr, your stuffed tiger.  You want him with you everywhere in the house.  You pretend to share your paci with him, and your milk.  You hug him and have him give Dad and me kisses.  You think it is absolutely hilarious when we ask Edgrrr questions and have him shake his head no or yes in response.  In the past week  you have also taken a shine to Osa the oso (your stuffed bear).  I suspect these two are going to be very helpful in getting you to give up your paci when we decide to push the issue.
You are an amazing little person and we love you very, very much and are excited for the year ahead to watch you learn and grow and continue to develop your own little personality.
Happy Birthday!!

And now some pics from our last day before the deep freeze hit us here (it’s been anywhere from -20 to -28 here for the past 3 days) and we didn’t want to venture outside for long!
bundled up and ready to head outside!

"stomp stomp"

making snow angels...sort of

helping Dad shovel the walks

he insisted on using the heaviest shovel we have

headed for a walk up the block

walking in a snowsuit is tiring!