Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

and the saga continues...

Where did we leave off?  Oh yes, sick at Thanksgiving.  Well, we enjoyed a brief respite from illness (read: 10 day antibiotic induced health high) before fever set in again (the cough never really did leave).  After 4 days of fever and O coughing so badly he was making himself gag we headed in to ready care (what our pediatricians call walk ins) on Sunday (our pediatrician group is awesome and have walk in times available 7 days a week for sick kids!).  But it would seem everyone was sick, as we arrived only to find we were behind 36 other people and sat (on the floor b/c there wasn't even chair space left in the waiting room) for a 2 hour wait to see the doctor.  Turns out the ear infection never really went away, it was back with a vengeance, so we were prescribed a different antibiotic and a steroid to help him get over the cough he has had for 2 months.  Great!  We left very hopeful all would be well soon...we were wrong.  Monday night (day 2 of antibiotic) we noticed O had a couple red dots in one spot on the back of his arm as we were putting him to bed, ok, we'll keep an eye on that.  By 10ish, he was awake again writhing in itchiness, and we turned the light on to discover he was covered head to foot (with the exception of his back oddly enough) in hives.  Yup, allergic reaction to the new antibiotic.  So, emergency call to the pediatrician, and a quick search to find an all night pharmacy to get some children's benadryl (meanwhile I stuck him in an oatmeal bath to help the itch).  Then the benadryl and a hilarious 45min of non stop hyper chatter out of O (omg so freakin' funny...even if it was after midnight!) then he finally crashed and slept.  Then back to the doctor's to get the rash and ear checked again...a new antibiotic (which he is not allergic to, thankfully!), and his cough seems to be diminishing...so he is ::finally:: on the mend...from this cold.  'Tis the season...bah humbug.
And this morning, on his 6 month birthday, E woke up and decided that from the menu of options he would choose pink eye as his next medical ailment.
To top it all off, both Dave and I have finally succumbed to whatever it is O has been sick with (it was bound to happen given how many times we have been coughed on in the face over the past several weeks).
You know it's bad when the baby is getting the longest stretch of continuous sleep of anybody in the house. ;)  So, as much as I love my family, I gotta say, I'm happy we are not traveling anywhere for xmas this year, and that we don't have visitors descending on us for the holidays either.  It will give us a chance to catch up on some much needed sleep and relaxation!

Alright, illness saga aside, here is what else is going on.  First, E, here is what you are all about at 6 months (and I can't believe you are already 6  months old!!!  Time has flown by!!):
You. are. happy.  You are such a happy baby!  You are constantly smiling, and giggling.  You love to giggle!  And you are so ticklish (legs, belly, armpits, you name it!), even diaper changes elicit a belly chuckle from you!  You are also a very mellow baby.  You don't do much in the way of complaining...it's pretty awesome.
You are fascinated by your big brother and by the cats.  You could watch them all for hours I think.
You refuse to hang out on your back anymore.  The instant you are put down on the ground you roll to your belly...and then get stuck there as you can't seem to roll back over to your back.  Eventually you don't like this and complain about it, but you are happy to watch the goings on from your belly position for a while.  You have started sitting on your own a little bit...like 10 seconds or so at a time before you topple, so you still need either me or a pile of pillows to sit with.
You like to chat.  You especially like chatting while I feed you breakfast...it's like our morning coffee hour chat.  You giggle and chat away as I spoon all sorts of yummy stuff into that gaping maw of yours...because you are an amazing eater so far.  We started you on solids a little after 4 months and from day 1 you didn't do much spitting out of food.  You caught on right away.  You eat rice cereal, oatmeal, banana, apple, pear, avocado, squash/pumpkin, sweet potato, and peas so far.
You are also an amazing sleeper.  We feel insanely lucky about this.  You haven't been as good lately (as in the last few weeks) but I think that is due to illness combined with possible teething.  But generally you make it through the night without a feeding, sleeping 11-12 hours (from 7pm to 6-7am), usually requiring one to two paci reinserts somewhere in there (which I can hardly complain about...it's far better than getting up to feed you!).  This holds true for 5-6 nights out of the week.  The other nights you require a little more effort and a middle of the night feeding (I think they generally correspond to days you don't eat well during the day).  We have started putting you to bed unswaddled and you have been doing pretty well with that, but we usually end up reswaddling you during the paci reinsert.  You do love being swaddled!
But most of all, at 6 months, you are definitely part of this family.  I can't even think of what life was like before you were here.  Our family feels complete now that you are part of it too.  We love you so much, little E!
"wazzup, ladies?  I'm just chilaxin' in my infant tub"
This is where E hangs out while I do things like brush my teeth and wash my face, or shower...with no complaints.  Like I said, a mellow baby.  We don't even use this as a tub anymore...we just keep it around as a bathroom seat!

eyeing Owen

a little blurry, but a classic E happy face

O is a very loving big brother.  He always likes to make sure E is doing okay.

The weekend one week after T-giving (during our health high) we headed over to a cut-your-own-xmas-tree farm in Wisconsin to, well, cut our own xmas tree!  It was a decently warm day (only a couple degrees below freezing) and we picked ourselves out a winner!  It's name is Macbeth (they put a tag on and name the trees you can cut, so you can find it after they shake off loose needles and bail it up for you!  quite clever really)
bundled up for their "sleigh" ride

Dad doing the heavy lifting on the tree cutting

the trees look deceptively small out in the "wild".  This one is about 7.5 feet.  

sitting by the bonfire eating cold leftover pizza

look at those baby blues!

then of course we had to play in the snow in the backyard when we got home!
tree decorating.  O helped for about 10 minutes before he got bored.  But in that time managed to hang about 8 ornaments over a span of 3 branches...I did some rehanging after he went to bed.

"knock knock.  Hey, McFly, anybody home?"
This morning, O and I headed to the post office to send off the last of our xmas mail.  After we left this is what happened:
O: where are we going next?"
Me: home
O: No, I want to go somewhere
M: how about the grocery store?
O: no, not there
M: the library?
O: not there
M: really?! where then?
O: somewhere else...like the museum
M: ok, let's go to the museum with the big dog (this is the MIA, fyi)
O: hmmm...no, not there
M: do you want to go get lunch?
O: yes, but not at home
M: okay, we can go get lunch out.  Should we invite Dad and Elliot to join us, or just you and me?
O: no, let's just go you and me

aahhh...so nice! So we went and got lunch just the two of us.  It was pretty great!
his favourite part was definitely the giant class of chocolate milk!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


El's helmet has been blinged!  He's nothing if not stylish!
How could it be blinged with anything but forest animals with his last name?

Just Monday he figured out how to roll from back to front...although still hasn't quite mastered the whole front to back roll (which should be the easier one...but I think he has no incentive, he likes being on his tummy where he can see the action better).

Also in the last week, he has started adding some consonants into his babbling mix, with some distinctive "mamama" and "wawawa" and "bababrrrr".  Mostly heard around 3am...perhaps this is the only time he thinks he can get a word in edgewise around here!  He wakes up, has a little chat, then heads back to sleep...although since T-giving that has required some help as apparently our holiday ear infections arrived early this year (avid readers may remember that O has had ear infections both xmases so far).

O got sick Mon before T-giving, with a fever, cough, and a bit of breathing trouble that just wouldn't go away, so black Friday we headed to the doctor. Diagnosis: double ear infection (following a cold).  Meanwhile, E started phlegm-ily coughing on T-giving and developed a hugely snotty nose/congested head and fever the following Mon. Diagnosis: ear infection (following the cold).  Needless to say it has been a week + of non sleep around here...it's like being back in newborn days (with O, not E, as he spoiled us and has clearly made us weak).
snot-drool combo makes for a very glistening face!

in charge of faux hawks and pureed pumpkin

last week was mostly spent in PJ's (for O, not me), playing a lot of fire trucks (both of us) and watching an inordinate amount of (the same episode of!) Bob the Builder (again both of us).

this is the fire station.  The individual blocks are the firemen all asleep in the fire house dormitory.

now they are loaded onto the fire truck...I'm not sure there's really room for hoses...
Thankfully, life is returning to normal, E is getting better too, and managed to nap well today not being held semi-upright on me so he could breathe.  And soon the Bob the Builder theme song will leave my head...right?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Now known by his German name

Helmut von Baby
Yup, E is now a helmet baby.  We noticed by the time he was about a month old that his head was getting a little flat in the back...a little more on his left side than his right.  We were told at his 2 month appt to try to turn his head more to the right when he slept to "offload" a little.  We did that...but by his 4 month appt nothing was getting better so we were sent for a consult with the cranial specialist.  Turns out he has a bit of torticollis (neck muscle is tight on his right side making him turn his head preferentially left - hence the asymmetrical flattening).  His torticollis is mild, and we are doing some stretches and physical therapy to fix it, but it lead to his flat head which was considered moderate (as opposed to mild or severe).  So, in comes the helmet for help!  He's had it on for 5 days now...it hasn't bothered him a bit, and I swear I can already see improvement.  He wears it for 22-23 hours a day with a couple half hour breaks throughout...with a much needed bath time in there as the helmet is much like hockey helmet material...and makes his head smell like a hockey helmet too. yuck!

In other news, Dave got home from a week long conference in Berlin last week, and Mom graciously offered to come and help out for the week while he was gone.  It was so nice having her here to help with the kids...especially because I had to go out of town for 2 days.  But of course, as soon as Dave left, the transient animals returned...as usual.  So night 1, not 4 hours after Dave's flight took off, I heard the bat had returned to the unfinished attic space...and this is after we had the pest control guy install bat doors to rid us of all bats about 4 months ago.  He must have only come for a quick fly by as I haven't heard him since. Day 3, as I'm on the 5 hour car ride back to the cities I talk to Mom who informs me that Dribble is currently "playing" with a mouse in the living room...which she promptly lost under the couch (we haven't seen it since...I'm hoping the cats made a good snack of it).  This only happens when Dave leaves...seriously, what are the odds?  I should be a gambler...
chat and play with Grandma

having fun at the children's museum

And of course, other pics from just around the house


Owen really wanted to read to Elliot...very cute

O insisted that Bull help us make arepas...very helpful
E just watched the arepa action during his
helmet break (note the sweaty head)

playing caballos!
Can you spot the difference?  Who is who?  are they both O? Both E?

Hint: E now wears lots of kimono style shirts so I don't need to squeeze shirts over the helmet

And some funniness from Owen to leave you with:
O: That's the garbage truck (hearing a truck while we were walking)
D: Oh, do you hear a garbage truck? (mildly skeptical, given it's Sunday)
O: Yah! The garbage truck will come to take away the poopy diapers!

Indeed Owen, indeed.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween!

 We joined up with MJ, Greta and Teddy to do a little trick-or-treating.  The highlight of Owen's evening was definitely getting to trick or treat at the fire station!  Our highlight was strolling around with travel mugs of wine  ;)

Saturday was spent raking leaves...another favourite activity!  O was a big help, wielding his rake, helping pick up leaves...until he turned the bucket over to "do it again!", and just generally imitating everything we were doing.
perhaps we should find a mini rake

leaf tamper

pushing his lawn mower just like Daddy

And I found a bunch of other photos both on my phone camera and on the good camera, all from the last month...so here you go!

it's not easy being green...but it's better if you get a hug from your buddy

clearly from earlier in the month when it was still warm outside!

riding around the backyard on his balance bike

tune up time!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

4 months (+)!

E turned 4 months a bit over a week ago and we had his 4 mo doctor check up this week.  Here are the official stats:
weight: 14# (18%)
height: 26" (85-95%)
head circ: 42cm (59%)

A little bit bigger than O was at this age, but with a similar weight to length ratio (long and skinny!)

And now that he is 4months+ we also started in on a little bit of solid food (so far rice cereal and apple sauce)...and he. loves. it.  I think he only dribbled food out on the first go around, all subsequent feedings he has chowed with very little bib wastage!

eyeing up the new food

he likes it!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

pumpkins and foxes and giraffes...oh my!

Dave's brother, Rob, and nephew, Patrick, came to visit this weekend.  The weather was excellent and we had a great, if short, visit with them!  Saturday morning we headed up to the local hippy food coop where they were having a little pumpkin fest in the parking, complete with face painting.
these 2 seconds for the pic were about the only 2 seconds Owen sat still for the face painting...he kept trying to look at what she was painting...doh!

Elliot of course lounged around through the whole event

enjoying some apple cider

And no visit is complete without some family photos! (Most of which are out of focus because small people don't stop moving long enough for photos!)

pre nap story with Uncle Rob

sometimes it's hard to get the big kids to stay still too!

with big cousin Patrick

skulk of foxes

After Rob and Patrick left, we headed to Como Zoo for the ZooBoo!  A family friendly trick or treat with the animals!
baby giraffe

Julia was volunteering at ZooBoo...with her fabulous preggo costume!

trick or treating is serious business