Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, November 17, 2014

Now known by his German name

Helmut von Baby
Yup, E is now a helmet baby.  We noticed by the time he was about a month old that his head was getting a little flat in the back...a little more on his left side than his right.  We were told at his 2 month appt to try to turn his head more to the right when he slept to "offload" a little.  We did that...but by his 4 month appt nothing was getting better so we were sent for a consult with the cranial specialist.  Turns out he has a bit of torticollis (neck muscle is tight on his right side making him turn his head preferentially left - hence the asymmetrical flattening).  His torticollis is mild, and we are doing some stretches and physical therapy to fix it, but it lead to his flat head which was considered moderate (as opposed to mild or severe).  So, in comes the helmet for help!  He's had it on for 5 days now...it hasn't bothered him a bit, and I swear I can already see improvement.  He wears it for 22-23 hours a day with a couple half hour breaks throughout...with a much needed bath time in there as the helmet is much like hockey helmet material...and makes his head smell like a hockey helmet too. yuck!

In other news, Dave got home from a week long conference in Berlin last week, and Mom graciously offered to come and help out for the week while he was gone.  It was so nice having her here to help with the kids...especially because I had to go out of town for 2 days.  But of course, as soon as Dave left, the transient animals returned...as usual.  So night 1, not 4 hours after Dave's flight took off, I heard the bat had returned to the unfinished attic space...and this is after we had the pest control guy install bat doors to rid us of all bats about 4 months ago.  He must have only come for a quick fly by as I haven't heard him since. Day 3, as I'm on the 5 hour car ride back to the cities I talk to Mom who informs me that Dribble is currently "playing" with a mouse in the living room...which she promptly lost under the couch (we haven't seen it since...I'm hoping the cats made a good snack of it).  This only happens when Dave leaves...seriously, what are the odds?  I should be a gambler...
chat and play with Grandma

having fun at the children's museum

And of course, other pics from just around the house


Owen really wanted to read to Elliot...very cute

O insisted that Bull help us make arepas...very helpful
E just watched the arepa action during his
helmet break (note the sweaty head)

playing caballos!
Can you spot the difference?  Who is who?  are they both O? Both E?

Hint: E now wears lots of kimono style shirts so I don't need to squeeze shirts over the helmet

And some funniness from Owen to leave you with:
O: That's the garbage truck (hearing a truck while we were walking)
D: Oh, do you hear a garbage truck? (mildly skeptical, given it's Sunday)
O: Yah! The garbage truck will come to take away the poopy diapers!

Indeed Owen, indeed.

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