Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

If you're going to San Francisco....

be sure to visit some much missed friends there...

We headed to San Fran (well, actually Newark - suburb on the east bay) over this past weekend to visit our close, and much missed, friends Lars and Elissa, while we could still get a free flight for Owen and before they move even farther away to Oxford!  We had an amazing trip...a nice mini vacation...and Owen had a great time playing with Tor (who is almost exactly a year older than him) and Dendro (the dog) and meeting the new baby, Col.

Water painting on the wall outside was a big hit!  It also prompted Owen's first 3 word sentence of "No puppy agua" when Dendro tried to sneak a drink out of the painting water bucket.  Owen would randomly turn around and repeat this periodically throughout his painting, even if Dendro wasn't around...just to make sure.

this quickly devolved into them just dumping the water out
(mostly on themselves) and asking for more

jumping practice off the hearth
 Owen had a great time playing with Tor - it was a like a little glimpse of what his days must be like at daycare playing all day with other kids!
elephants make the best tractor drivers

stuck on an endless loop of "Livin' la Vida Loca"
Why Ricky?!? Why?!?!
this was much better music

hay bale jumping at the local farm

riding the train - pulled by a horse!  Which has prompted O's favourite new word...
although he's gone a bit french with it pronouncing it 'orse

duck train!

"That's a good one, Tor!"

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