Owen is 2 months old today, and we just got back from his 2 month visit with the pediatrician, where he received a series of vaccinations (Diptheria/tetanus/pertussis, HepB, hemo-something influenza, polio, pneumococcus, and rotavirus). It was 3 shots and one oral vaccination. He did great! A brief scream, but he settled pretty quickly following the pricks, then slept soundly for the ride home and quick stop at the grocery store.
4 days old 2months old
height: 18 3/4" (10-25%) 22 1/2" (25%)
weight: 5# 6.5oz (2%) 9# 1oz (2%)
head circ. 31 7/8" (2%) 37" (5%) he's long and skinny!
Milestones achieved:
holds head temporarily erect when upright (although he has basically been doing this since birth - note the small head size. Doctor commented he was very strong!!)
smiles! (this is the best milestone!!!)
coos/vocalizes (this is a close second best milestone)
tracks objects/watches your face when you are in his line of sight
"Wazzup, homies?"
4 days old 2months old
height: 18 3/4" (10-25%) 22 1/2" (25%)
weight: 5# 6.5oz (2%) 9# 1oz (2%)
head circ. 31 7/8" (2%) 37" (5%) he's long and skinny!
Milestones achieved:
holds head temporarily erect when upright (although he has basically been doing this since birth - note the small head size. Doctor commented he was very strong!!)
smiles! (this is the best milestone!!!)
coos/vocalizes (this is a close second best milestone)
tracks objects/watches your face when you are in his line of sight
2 months old - he is beginning to actually fit the car seat |
4 days old |
sleeper from Great Aunt Liz and Great Uncle Frank |
I have deemed 2 months to be the dino birthday! Here is Owen in all of his dinosaur themed outfits...unfortunately (or I guess fortunately because it means he is growing) he no longer fits in the dino sleeper from Grandma and Grandpa Iredale...so we lost one dino outfit this month, but gained two!
"Wazzup, homies?"
transitioning to real clothes...we're not just in sleepers anymore Toto! thanks L, E & T! |
best cuddler ever! |
catnapping with Dad before dinner this photo has oddly soft Thomas Kincaid light...not sure how we managed that! |
this is the last outing for "blue bear" as we call it. we have to move on to bigger outerwear : ( |
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