Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, March 23, 2012

first flight!

We are currently in Durham, NC.  Dave has a work thing, so Owen and I decided to go along!  Owen did great on his first plane ride (Wed, March 21).  We fed him on takeoff, then he slept for the entire flight and was busy sucking on his pacifier for landing.  Oddly enough we were sitting next to another couple with a 5 month old who were also on their first flight with the baby!
bored waiting to board

 We brought along Owen's co-sleeper for the trip.  We have never actually used it for the manufactured purpose of co-sleeping, partly because there is just not room in our queen size bed for 3 humans (even if one of them is pint sized) and two cats, and partly because Owen is a very noisy sleeper and I'm a relatively light sleeper which makes for a bad sleep combination if room sharing. But he was so small when he was born that I felt (and who knows if this is true) that he wasn't sleeping well in his crib because he was so immensely dwarfed by it, so we bought the cosleeper and put it inside his crib so that he had a bed more his size...making for a bit cozier sleeping situation.  He has basically outgrown it now, but it has been the perfect thing to bring along with us on this trip!  He has his own bed and there is no danger of him rolling anywhere in the night...plus it's light and it folds up small enough to pack in the suitcase...the perfect "travel with baby" item for the 0-3 month old!
Owen's bed within a bed!!

GiGi the Giraffe made the trip too...she watches over Owen at night...
and she plays white noise...it's a win-win!
having a kick on the makeshift changing table
we've been going on lots of walks and his
monkey blanket does great as a sun shade!
"caution, I bite!"

smiles are a common occurrence these days...I love his little
toothless grins!
taking a break from the heat of the afternoon
to lounge in the a/c of the hotel room

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