Wake up in the late afternoon...well, actually Dave and I did get to sleep in until a whopping 8am this morning! It was awesome!!! We celebrated our 7 year anniversary last night and our friends Brian and Tiffany graciously offered to watch Owen overnight at their house so we could go out to a fancy dinner and then sleep in and go out for breakfast. It was the first time Owen had spent the night away from both of us, and he did amazing! He apparently headed to their stairs to go up to the pack'n'play as soon as he heard the words "time for bed", then slept through until 6:45 or so and got up to have a nice pancake breakfast - all without a fuss! Apparently he didn't miss us at all ;)
Anyway, here are some pics from the past several lazy Sundays
O's new thing is laying down on the couch pillows
(either on the couch or the floor) and pretending to sleep |
and here's the fake shut eye! I love that little cheek dimple of his! |
can't even bother to sit up...epitome of lazy Sunday! |
yup, I live in a household of sweet-ass bed head |
Lazy Sunday post Saturday library trip |
"whoa!" |
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