Happy Birthday Owen! One year ago today you were born and we have loved every minute of watching you grow from a tiny, cuddly, completely helpless newborn to the smiley, laughy, independent 1 year old you are now.
Here is a bit of what you are like at one:
You eat really well. You have eaten lots of different cuisines already - Indian, Ethiopian, Mexican - to name a few. You haven't met a dairy product you don't like, particularly milk. You used to drink a max of 4oz at a time of formula, now you can down an 7oz sippy of milk no problem! The only thing you consistently refuse to eat is avocado.
You occasionally sleep through the night, but usually still wake up once sometime between 3 and 5am. You nap twice a day if you are at home for anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours at a time. At daycare you consistently take 50min naps, once a day, sometimes twice.
You are a very happy kid. You smile all the time, and laugh a lot! You are very ticklish and have an infectious giggle! You are happy to play independently, but also love some company...particularly if it's your Mama. You like playing with toy cars, magnets, and blocks at the moment. You LOVE the kitties...although they are not always enamored with you, they sometimes let you pet them, but more often than not they run away to where you can't reach them.
You have 8 teeth, and no discernible words...although I think you might be saying "kitty" sometimes. And you definitely cluck your tongue to call the kitties when you hear us doing it! You use mamamama and dadadada, but not necessarily toward us...hopefully soon!
You aren't walking yet, but you definitely crawl up a storm! You pull yourself to standing on everything, and will cruise a bit, but you seem happy enough to crawl to get from A to B.
For your birthday, we went to the doctor...how novel actually having your one year checkup on your birthday! Here are the stats:
height: 30 3/4 inches - 75-85%
weight: 19# 12.8 oz - 25-50%
head size: 45.2cm - 25%
Owen got his first taste of ice cream today after dinner - he'll have to wait until his little party on Saturday to have cake!
Yesterday, Owen and I went for a little walk on Lake Harriet to play with his new sled and then to the park!
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as stated - never met a dairy he didn't love! |
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wheeeee!!!! |
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chocolate marshmallow...with legs |
What a big boy! Happy Birthday, Owen!!