We went for Owen's 6 month checkup yesterday. He is doing great and reaching all the appropriate milestones for his age. Here are the stats:
length: 27.25" (75-85%)
weight: 15 # 8.5oz. (10-25%)
head circ: 42.5cm (25%)
weight:length ratio: 5% - Still pushing the long skinny side of the chart, but he's finally made his way onto it!! I think his love of solid food may have something to do with that!
One of the "appropriate milestones" is consonant sounds...he has "mamamamama" down pat! Another milestone is sitting. He is doing pretty well with it, and can manage on his own for 10 seconds or so before toppling...which is why he hangs out in a fortress of pillows these days!
"look Ma, no hands!" |
"aaahhhh" |
"I'll just hang out here" |
We have been trying to spend as much time as possible with Lars, Elissa, and Tor before they move to the San Fran area next week :( Friday there was a gathering at their place to help pack up their moving pods, Saturday we hosted a full day eating/drinking fest, and Sunday there was a brunch at Nono and Ioana's. I missed getting pics on Saturday, but I have ones from Friday and Sunday.
Owen, MJ, and Tor - future bobsled team? |
Hanging out with the big boys during brunch - Joe, Tor, Owen, Lars |
a little blurry, but cute pic with Tor |
a meeting of the minds |
old man pants - classic look for 6 month olds! |
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