Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


"hmmm...tower of blocks"

"this should probably be knocked down"

big shove

"much better"

Sunday, July 29, 2012

lounging around

a little light reading

rolling is fun!!

Owen is getting so good at sitting!
and note his shirt...he had...

a little blurry, but a classic Owen smile!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

6 month checkup

We went for Owen's 6 month checkup yesterday.  He is doing great and reaching all the appropriate milestones for his age.  Here are the stats:
length: 27.25"  (75-85%)
weight: 15 # 8.5oz. (10-25%)
head circ: 42.5cm (25%)
weight:length ratio: 5% - Still pushing the long skinny side of the chart, but he's finally made his way onto it!!  I think his love of solid food may have something to do with that!

One of the "appropriate milestones" is consonant sounds...he has "mamamamama" down pat!  Another milestone is sitting.  He is doing pretty well with it, and can manage on his own for 10 seconds or so before toppling...which is why he hangs out in a fortress of pillows these days!
"look Ma, no hands!" 
"I'll just hang out here"
 We have been trying to spend as much time as possible with Lars, Elissa, and Tor before they move to the San Fran area next week :(   Friday there was a gathering at their place to help pack up their moving pods, Saturday we hosted a full day eating/drinking fest, and Sunday there was a brunch at Nono and Ioana's.  I missed getting pics on Saturday, but I have ones from Friday and Sunday.
Owen, MJ, and Tor - future bobsled team?

Hanging out with the big boys during brunch - Joe, Tor, Owen, Lars

a little blurry, but cute pic with Tor
a meeting of the minds
old man pants  - classic look for 6 month olds!

Monday, July 16, 2012


We went to the panhandle of Florida for a beach vacation last week, and this is my photo dump of our trip!  We left last Friday and flew to Birmingham, AL, spent the evening visiting with Dave's family and friends, then drove Saturday south to the beach along with Dave's sister and her family.  We spent the week at the beach, then made the trek back to B-ham the following Saturday before flying home today (Sunday).
Owen's pool floatie...not to be confused with a "floater"
Note the very similar positioning to the grey top behind us
with Uncle Matthew

headed for a swim with Auntie Jennie

chillin' with Dad under the umbrella

Owen loved sitting on the shallow sandbar as the waves came in!

one day he'll fit into full sized hats!

with cousin Virginia...somehow I missed
getting good photos of Owen with his
other two cousins, Margaret and Jack

taking a quick breather from the pool for a photo


loving the ocean!

my legs = excellent makeshift high chair

mmmmm....apple sauce

turns out air sickness bags provide way more entertainment
than any actual toy while in the confines of the plane

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


A video we made for Dave while he was out of town.  Owen's laughs are pretty great!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Hot enough for ya?

It is currently 99F (37C) with a heat index of 104F (40C) at 7pm, aka hot and humid.  I don't mind the heat so much, but growing up in Calgary where it is dry, dry, dry,  the humidity really does me in!  Good thing I convinced Dave when I was pregnant last summer that our bedroom required a/c, so it is hooked up and running at the moment and provides a bit of a refuge from the heat!  We also put an a/c unit into Owen's room 2 weeks ago so he can have some nice sleeping temps.
But, we can't spend the whole day locked up in our rooms, and I don't always feel like walking 10 blocks to the beach...particularly in the heat...so the solution?  kiddie pool!!
big grins for cool water in the shade!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Canada Day!

We have had a very busy weekend!  Friday we met our friend Pete for lunch...he (and his family) were just in town for a couple of days before he moves to Anchorage for his new job.  We got to meet the newest addition to his family, the utterly adorable Aspen, who is 3 weeks older than Owen.
Owen: "Uhm...I think you've got something on your shoulder"

whatcha lookin' at?

Owen: "hey pretty lady"
Aspen: "younger men...sheesh!"
On Saturday we joined Allison and MJ at a wading pool and park nearby, and then headed to our friends Brian and Tiffany's for dinner.
Owen went for his first swing ride...it was very quick and mostly just for the photo op because it was very sunny!!

in the bumbo for sweet potato dinner
"What deliciously pullable hair you have MJ!"

And today, we helped Nono and Ioana move...which mostly involved a number of us ladies sitting in the shade helping to keep Sonia out of the moving action!
enjoying his kingly bumbo throne amongst the lovely ladies of moving day

MJ was very determined that this toy should be strapped on Owen's foot
And finally, seeing as it is indeed Canada Day, Nono supplied some occasion appropriate beverages as thanks.
Happy Canada Day!