It's been just Owen and me since last Thursday when Dave left to do field work. He'll be returning soon though, and we're excited to have him back! O and I have been doing well, we've been going for lots of walks, have headed to the beach a couple of times, and have been avidly watching the euro cup (not so much Owen on that one...). I've also been sewing up a storm in the relative cool of the house to avoid the heat wave here.
*I don't know why this first paragraph is all weirdly highlighted...but I give up trying to fix it*
We've been able to video chat with Dave twice since he's been gone, so this has been his view of us! They mostly camp, but they've stayed 2 nights at a hotel, so he had internet access. |
Owen is always very happy and chatty first thing in the morning! |
We've been adding more foods to Owen's diet. He now eats avocado, sweet potato and peas too!
this was just before his first experience with peas...he did not look quite as happy after the first bite. Can't say as I blame him really...cooked, pureed peas...blech! |
And like I said, I've been busy I put my "talent" (such as it is) to some use and sewed up my first diaper! I've since sewn 2 more, and have supplies coming for more! They arrive tomorrow!!!
This is what's known in the cloth diapering world as a fitted. It's just the absorbent part and needs a cover over it. I made this one a pocket fitted so I can add inserts to increase the absorbency. Fitteds work better on Owen than a classic flat or prefold diaper...I just can't get those tight enough around his skinny little legs! |
I also sewed a pocket with a PUL outer (that's the waterproof stuff) and have more PUL arriving tomorrow. Plus I've made a couple of wool covers, and a pair of wool shorties out of an old wool sweater of Dave's that was falling apart...wool and fleece are excellent diaper covers as they will take in moisture if they need to, but they don't give it up easily, and they are breathable. Wool is our go to nighttime cover...haven't had a leak yet!
Sorry this mostly turned into adventures in you can tell, I'm pretty excited about my new found diaper sewing skillz. And it's not that we actually need more diapers, so much as I need a hobby during Owen's nap time...which, by the way, has been on the rise this past week. He's gone from being a consistent 30min napper, to taking ~2 hour naps for at least 1 if not 2 of his naps! It's awesome!! I got to vacuum the house,
and clean up the kitchen during the same nap yesterday!!!
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