Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Our week in review

 At the beginning of every fall semester and the end of every spring semester, the UMN Geology dept has a picnic for all the students, faculty, staff, and researchers.  Dave is the faculty member who organizes the picnic and does a great job making grilled goodies for 50+ people.  It's always a good time...and, in the spring at least, almost always rainy.  That picnic was this past Saturday...guess what? It rained!  ;)
"looks like the rain's a comin' ma"

diaper change amongst the empties - note the rain drops
on Dave's sleeve

Owen wore his undergraduate geology society shirt to show his support
And a couple pics just hanging around the house
chillin' with Dad

flying baby!
the mouse briefly took refuge under
the flip flop door stop
And while these are not Owen, this was the most exciting event in the house all week for the cats.  They found a mouse hiding out in the radiator in the front room.  It had tucked itself back in there good where they couldn't reach in to get it.  But they waited it out for a full day and I came down the next morning to find them batting it around...it must have tried to make a run for it in the middle of the night.  I let them play for a couple hours - circle of life and all - then finally rescued the mouse and let it free outside...I think it learned its lesson.

Flax is waiting for it to move so she can pounce again

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