The internet has been down for the past couple of days here, so I haven't updated as I've wanted. But I do have some new pics from this weekend. We had a really nice visit with Dave's brother Rob, who came from DC to meet Owen.
Uncle Rob and Owen - see the Fox family resemblance??!? |
Owen has also become a huge drooler in the past 6 weeks or so...I think he doesn't know how to work his tongue yet to get all that saliva to where he can swallow it, so instead it gets pushed forward...which necessitates the use of a bib...much easier to change bibs than onesies!
enjoying the drool-catcher-3000 |
The jumperoo has been added to our repertoire of baby gear this week. Owen seems to enjoy bouncing in it, even though he is not quite tall enough yet to reach the floor with it on the lowest setting. We have a couple thick coffee table books we stick under his feet so he has a bouncing platform!
Finally, I will leave you with a couple classic Owen faces from his pre-bedtime naked baby kick time.
this is his serious face for when his little arms and legs are really going...kicking is serious business! |
smiles...because nothing is better than naked time! |
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