Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, April 30, 2012

Uncle Rob

The internet has been down for the past couple of days here, so I haven't updated as I've wanted.  But I do have some new pics from this weekend.  We had a really nice visit with Dave's brother Rob, who came from DC to meet Owen.
Uncle Rob and Owen - see the Fox family resemblance??!?
Owen has also become a huge drooler in the past 6 weeks or so...I think he doesn't know how to work his tongue yet to get all that saliva to where he can swallow it, so instead it gets pushed forward...which necessitates the use of a bib...much easier to change bibs than onesies!
enjoying the drool-catcher-3000
The jumperoo has been added to our repertoire of baby gear this week.  Owen seems to enjoy bouncing in it, even though he is not quite tall enough yet to reach the floor with it on the lowest setting.  We have a couple thick coffee table books we stick under his feet so he has a bouncing platform!

Finally, I will leave you with a couple classic Owen faces from his pre-bedtime naked baby kick time.
this is his serious face for when his little arms
and legs are really going...kicking is
serious business!

smiles...because nothing is better than naked time!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

just hangin' out

A couple photos from the past couple of days including a zoo trip and just some hangin' out in the backyard. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bumbo baby

Owen loves sitting in the bumbo.  It gives him the chance to view the world from a vertical position now that he can hold his head steady.  He loves watching what the cats are doing...and as soon as Flax saw the camera, she came running!  What hams!

Monday, April 16, 2012

morning play time

look at that coordination!

these chimes are definitely his favourite toy to bat!

male pattern baldness- Owen is slowly losing his newborn hair!

I just love his giant gummy smiles!

Friday, April 13, 2012

enjoying the day

Although it is the classic Winnie the Pooh blustery day today, the past couple of days have been quite nice here. So, yesterday Owen and I went for a big walk around Lake Harriet to get out and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

We stopped to take a picture at the south beach of the lake...a spot where I'm sure we will be enjoying some swimming time come the summer.  Owen is in his usual state of "stroller semi-suspended animation".

"I swear I'm actually awake Mom"
Owen's hand eye coordination is also improving by the day.  He will now actively reach out for toys to bat at them and will even ::briefly:: hold on to toys before they get away from him again.
"Sophie's safe with me"
"uh oh"

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter Bunny!

Even though Owen can't eat the chocolate yet, the Easter Bunny managed to find him anyway.  It took me several tries to get a smiley photo!

 We had a great Easter Sunday with a bunch of friends coming over for brunch, and even an egg hunt in the backyard (pics to follow soon).  At the end of our long day, Owen and Dave had a little cuddle on the couch.

Friday, April 6, 2012


 Owen met his first of many cousins and first of many Aunts last weekend.  His Auntie Jane (Dave's brother Rob's wife) and their daughter, Emily, were in town visiting Jane's family (she is from Minnesota).  They came over to meet the newest addition to the family along with Jane's nieces,  Ingrid and Lauren, and Jane's parents, Don and Harriet.

Owen and cousin Emily

Owen with Harriet, Don, and Aunt Jane
Owen was a big hit with the young ladies!
Owen is holding court with Emily, Lauren, and Ingrid 

Owen smiles all the time now...especially if you play with his nose.  Then he gets this giant, open mouthed, full face grin!  There is just something so funny about noses!  And he has also started to discover his hands.  He can spend a good 10-20 minutes just kind of looking at them!  Here are a couple extra smiles for y'all:

Sunday, April 1, 2012

cow-boys and yetis

The weather here is positively spring-like, so we took advantage of it last week to do some spring cleaning in the garden.  We thought it would be appropriate if Owen was hanging out on the grass for him to be wearing his cow onesie (courtesy of Dave as a Christmas present to me)...too bad it was a bit cold for just a onesie and in the end he was bundled up in a full sweatsuit and blanket, but we got some inside pics anyway!

head control = bumbo!

comes complete with its own tail!

We also took him to his first hockey game yesterday. We went to go see the second last game of the season for the team Dave and I play for, the Yetis, or at least played for last year and will again in the future...I was out this season due to pregnancy and a newborn while Dave was out due to a shoulder injury.  And it's never too early for Owen to become a hockey fan...I'm trying hard to make sure he knows his Canadian roots!
all bundled up!  it's cold in those arenas!

Elissa and Tor were also there cheering on Lars