Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

life as usual

 I know, I know, my blogging skillz have been seriously lacking - turns out full time job and two small kids doesn't leave a lot of blogging time (coupling that with blogspot's clunky, slow software just adds to the chore!).  But here are some pics from the past month - starting off with a special dinner in front of the TV - brought to you by superbowl Sunday.
Eyes glued to the football game - stuffing their faces with tot-chos...
that's some solid parenting happening right there
 Elliot has had an inordinate amount of paci time lately - we usually only allow it at nap and bedtime, but it turns out cutting 5 teeth (bottom incisor and all 4 canines) necessitates extra paci time to keep everyone sane.
a chair for two
something, something dark side, something, something jedi snack time

I love it when they hold hands!

race time!

yup, sometimes I sneak in and take pictures of them while they're sleeping.
They just look so peaceful!

there are no words...

Aviator, pup-pup, lion, lion.

our 55F day this weekend = glorious outdoor play time!