These pictures are from 2 weeks ago...I just haven't had time to post them...I blame starting back at work. sigh.
Luckily, I don't teach on Fridays this semester so I get to hang out with the boys instead! Our Friday activity a couple of weeks ago was a nice romp in the backyard...back when we still had snow. Then we didn't have snow for almost 2 weeks, but now we have snow again. Apparently we are in a snow deficit here...which I'm okay with as it means less shoveling.
Anyway, we got suited up, and pulled out the sled. O loves to be pulled around the backyard in the sled (AKA the train), and we pretend we are making stops at various train stations, where he flings himself off the sled into the's fairly hilarious.
all aboard! |
El seems far less enthralled with this. |
lying down on the job |
and of course back to eating snow...his favourite winter pasttime |
El just likes eating fingers... |
note the drool patch on his chest |
and here are O's 3 year stats (a month late, but so be it!)
height: 37" 40% - he has not yet hit his growth spurt
weight: 29.87lb 31% - or put on much weight...despite his good eating
And in other has begun. I found my first grey hair(s). It started about a month ago, I found one small one in all that weirdo new hair growth that has come in since the post-pregnancy hair loss (what I have dubbed "The Great Shed"). So I did what any normal parent would do...I blamed my kid (El to be exact, as it was in the new hair growth since he arrived). Then about a week later, I found another one...then a week after that, I found a whole patch! To be fair, it's more of a streak, hidden underneath, so not super noticeable until I went searching...and it's long. So I guess El is off the hook...I'll blame O instead ;) And there's a matching streak on the other side of my head too. Perhaps if I go grey, my students will finally believe me when I tell them my age. I feel more distinguished already.