A lot has happened in the last month! Elliot got a big boy haircut, had his 15 month doctor's visit (stats to follow) and started walking!!! Owen had his second dentist appointment, so now his pearly whites are even pearlier!
The fall is going well here, we are still enjoying a lot of outside time as the weather is still warm, have done some apple picking, and are gearing up for Halloween!
Elliot's 15 month stats:
height - a whopping 33.5 inches!!! 98%
weight - 25 lbs 6oz - only 5 lbs less than O weighs...which explains my beefy left arm ;) - 82%
head circ.- 19inches - 85% - yup, El, you got your dad's big head...Owen got my little pinhead.
length to weight ratio - just under 50%, so for height he's middle of the pack! He just seem so giant to us because O was always so tiny!
Plus El is wearing 2T clothes...as in clothes I removed from the Owen rotation about 3 months ago...and they fit him. He's totally going to be the big Little Brother.
Elliot's latest obsession is large kitchen utensils...they serve dual purpose of eating and playing...sometimes at the same time!
surprisingly, he did manage to get this bite to his mouth |
warm fall day at the park! |
We got both boys into the bike trailer for the Nicollet Open Streets fest - Nicollet Ave (a main thoroughfare with lots of restaurants/shops/etc.) was closed off for about a 20 block stretch to all motor vehicle traffic for a Saturday afternoon for a street fest. We rode over with the boys to take in some sidewalk beers (some of Dave's favourite!) and the petting zoo at the local hardware store.
Owen and his friend Walter enjoying a dumdum after having a pony ride |
who needs to ride a pony when there are chairs to climb? |
We also took in a "touch a truck" on a Saturday morning. This is the greatest thing ever! A bunch of trucks of all varieties (rescue vehicles, snowplows, semi trailers, cement trucks, you name it!) are organized to just be parked in a parking lot (in this case at a podunk mall in a suburb) for like 6 hours where the kids can come and climb on them/in them/pretend to drive them/honk the horns (to the chagrin of all the parents...and most of the very small kids - those horns are loud!).
I think he would have stood here pretending to be a garbage man all morning if we hadn't prodded him on to the next truck |
And of course, our requisite fall activity....drum roll please...apple picking!!!
in the wagon, headed out to the orchard! |
the haircut is pending... |
O insisted on having his picture taken with the turtle statue "Mom, look! It's Mzee!!" (from his book, "A Mama for Owen"). In the book, Mzee is the new surrogate mama for Owen (Owen is a hippo...but close enough!) |
haircut! now he can see again! |
El started walking about a month ago now...although it's still not that graceful, but you know, it's almost Halloween, so zombies are in season! And note his shoes - I know you can't see from the pic, but they are a) too big and he insists (and boy can this kid be insistent!) on wearing them anyway and b) made to look like cats. They are called the "Chairman Meows" hah!! slays me every time! How could I
not get him those shoes!! so awesome...I love a good pun.
watch out! has a sprinkler head and is mobile!! |
"hmmm...I think Goldbug's hiding over here" |
yup, photo at the dentist's office, complete with oversized teeth and toothbrush props kids sized sunglasses for him to wear to not get water spray in his eyes during the cleaning were also a nice touch...plus they were spiderman glasses...he was disappointed when harsh reality hit that he would only be bringing his new (regular sized) toothbrush home |