I didn't get around to this last week when Elliot actually turned 1 month old, but here it is now! He continues to be very mellow, and still only feeds once a night - too bad he decided this week that his 3ish am feeding should also be time to get up for the day, so he likes to only lightly snooze (read: grunt, kick, and fuss with intermittent bouts of sleep) until he eats again around 6 or 7am, at which point he plays for a bit and then falls soundly asleep again by 8 or 9am. And is practically comatose from the hours of 11am to 6pm. I guess he still has his days and nights a bit flip flopped...we'll get that sorted soon enough. I can't complain, this is leaps and bounds better than Owen slept and ate at this age!
Owen continues to be a great big brother - occasionally requesting I "put Elliot in the crib and come play with me Mama", but mostly being very patient when Elliot needs something and is very gentle with him.
This summer has been relatively cool so far (mid to high 20sC as opposed to mid 30sC) so it has been great for getting out and not sweltering. We have continued our Friday night picnic tradition (and other nights as well for that matter...but always on Fridays), so here are a couple pics from our last couple picnics (Sculpture Garden and Minnehaha Falls, respectively).
Owen for scale |
sleeping beauty in the stroller there...perhaps if he would ever be awake during the day he may not decide 3am is "morning" |
we had water with us, but the water fountain is always way more fun! |
We also had a play date with MJ, Greta, and Teddy earlier this week to run in the sprinkler and play in the sandbox (mostly the latter in Owen's case - that kid loves himself a sandbox!). The only pictures I managed to take were when they were all preoccupied with the watermelon.
young primates gathered around their fruit |
"you want melon, Mama?" |
and of course Elliot was napping through all of it...
But here are some pics of him awake (it does happen...)