We must have heard some Nancy Sinatra recently to start this off, but here's our conversation last night:
Dave: beds are made for sleeping
Me: and boots are made for walking! (ha!)
Owen: What, Mama? (oh, Owen, one day you'll appreciate my humour and our banter!)
Me: boots are made for walking and beds are made for sleeping
Owen: Nooooooo
Me: yes! beds are made for sleeping in
Owen: Nooooooo
Me: Well then, what are beds made for?
Owen: looking out the window!
ah, this explains a lot about bedtime recently...
And some pics from daycare for your viewing pleasure.
all lined up for post nap snack! (O on right) |
After breakfast, they do a little bit of "school time" where all the kids sit and learn various things depending on the week (colours, numbers, days of the week, letters, etc.)
looking very thoughtful for class time |
In the sandbox with Finn. Finn is one of his best friends at daycare. They like to nap beside each other every day, and whoever wakes up first apparently likes to secretly try to wake the other up to play! |
on his maquina (machine). He loves that John Deere hat! |
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blocks and puzzles with Melissa! |