Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Little boys and fences...

...are the greatest combination ever!

Our very old, falling apart, backyard fence blew down (does that give you a sense of how falling apart our fence was??) in the big storm  that came through here in June.  And fencing contractors have been back logged all summer rebuilding fences (I suppose that gives you a sense of just how big the storm was), so ours was finally installed last week!!  Which is a great thing given O's mobility. I was out weeding 2 weeks ago and turned my back for about 10 seconds, and O was off down the driveway pulling his toy puppy along behind him...he made it all the way to the neighbour's 2 doors down  without looking back (I was following him by this point to see how far he would go).  So, I'm happy our backyard now serves as toddler jail...he can't escape...yet.
looking mischevious

ah, that's why...plotting his forbidden move onto the table
boy, block, bus and fence = beautiful!


 block in bus

Monday, September 9, 2013

more fair

I left out a couple fair pics last time.  Owen also got to pet a mustang...he was very brave about it and went readily with the mustang's owner to pet her horse.

future equestrian?
And some from around the house...
rockin' out to some Journey...no joke.

watermelon smile!