Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hooray for spring!!

Spring has finally sprung...I really can't emphasize the finally enough, it was snowing here Monday, but by Friday the temps were in the high 60s, spring flowers are starting to bud, and the sun is shining...perfect weather to get outside!!
Yesterday O and I headed to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (awesome museum, close to the house, free!) to see the Art in Bloom exhibit.  It's an exhibit they do every year in the spring time, where local florists doing a flower interpretation of various painting/sculptures/objects d'art...it's super cool, and my favourite special exhibit the MIA puts on!
cruising through the museum

post art play in the museum's family centre
flower rendition of the red chair

and of the Japanese lotus garden photographs

This morning began with a  pancake breakfast then a walk up to lake Calhoun to play at the park

note the ice still out in the water...winter is not
yet a distant memory around here

bouncy turtle = awesome!

by far, O's favourite part of the park, putting sand in the sieve...


Monday, April 22, 2013

15 months old!

This weekend, I headed to Las Vegas with some girlfriends for a ladies weekend sans kids...gambled away Owen's college fund (kidding!)...and Owen and Dave had some boys time at home.  Owen also had his 15 month appointment.
Here are the stats:
height: 32 1/4 inch - ~85%
weight: 21# 11oz - 25-50%
head size: 45.6cm - 10-25%
weight to length ratio: 5-10% - still long and skinny but moving up!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Le Petit Chef

Owen has been having such fun playing with Sonia and MJ's kitchen things when we visit them, so on our quick trip to IKEA yesterday to get some non-tippy chairs to go along with the playroom table I had as a kid, we also got him a set of play pots/pans and some soft vegetables. Here is what he cooked up!

stir it up

let it simmer

mushroom tomato soup...looks delicious!

Friday, April 12, 2013

the past week or so

 pre daycare "train ride" in the laundry basket...with stops to pick up some friends!
practicing up the weeding skillz - this was pre Wednesday snowstorm
sitting in the big boy booster seat while out for breakfast last Sunday

he climbed himself up to sit in the chair at his friend Sonia's this morning
And I swear, Owen smiles all the time...it's just really hard to capture it in photos because he's always moving too quickly!  

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Owen's second Easter started off with pancakes for breakfast, followed by a very short egg hunt (6 giant plastic eggs) which he collected in his new sand pail (his easter gift).  I think that was the best part for him...putting the eggs in the pail.  Not the actual finding of eggs, just the act of putting something in the pail...then taking it out again...then putting it back in...then taking it out again...I could go on.

mid bite
new sand pail and shovels!!!!  

and bubbles...those were a hit until he decided he would rather lick the soapy wand...

all his eggs in one basket...plus a sock monkey in bunny ears...