Owen's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Elliot's b-day

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy T-giving!

We had an excellent turkey day here!  Elissa and Tor arrived Wednesday afternoon, and Owen and Tor spent some time playing together with some of my old toys on Thursday before people started arriving in the afternoon.

Tor is giving Owen some pointers on proper playing technique

Owen loves a car! He even makes car noises (motorboating) now
whenever he plays with one!

mmmm...little people are delicious!

The weather was nice in the morning (although turned to snow by late afternoon) so we spent some time outside crunching through the leaves as friends started arriving for t-giving celebrations at our house around noon.

Having fun in the leaf pile together...

and then Tor decided to ride Owen like a horse...

Harvesting spinach with Elissa
all bundled up with Anna!

And a 30 person thanksgiving dinner requires a large turkey - we started this 27lb monster at 9:30am...ready for dinner at 5!
Owen for scale...that bird is an Owen and a half!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

and Lars

just a couple cute pics, and a shot of our amazing dinner on Tuesday...courtesy of our daycare providers!!  How awesome is that?!!?!?  They sent us home with homemade chicken in mole sauce for dinner...it was delicious!!  They really are a great couple we found to look after Owen!

tuckered out after a busy day playing


delicious, delicious chicken in mole!!
oh yeah...and Lars is back!  He's in town doing some lab work for a couple weeks and staying at our place.  Elissa and Tor arrive on Wednesday in time for Thanksgiving!!  I can't wait to see them!!!! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

these are a few of his favourite things

I was digging through a box of toys in our basement that were mine and my brothers' as kids,which my parents drove down/over to us a number of years ago, and I discovered some real gems!  The shape sorters have been pulled out and dusted off from their 30 year rest and Owen loves them!

mmm...tastes like yellow!

obviously he doesn't quite yet grasp how to get the
shapes back inside...

Toy cars are also a big hit these days!

and this red solo cup has become a standard fixture in the milieu.
ready for the keg party
confusing him with a rousing version of "baby-one-card-monte" Look under the cup, Owen!

he also loves a seemingly never ending stream of motorboating

his forlorn look over at the stereo...an off limit favourite.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fall cleanup

After a hearty breakfast of cottage cheese, applesauce and toast

we headed outside to prepare the garden for fall, plant the garlic, and rake leaves.  Owen had a great time tromping through the crunchy leaves and watching all the activity!
"hmmm....what does this do?"

"See Dad, I"m helping too!"

"What?  I'm not destroying your pile of nicely raked leaves..."
